Monday, February 22, 2010


I promise I haven't forgotten about writing in this blog! After weeks of getting everyone else in our household feeling better from a nasty head cold - GUESS WHO GOT IT LAST? *raising hand in the air* I'm feeling pretty yucky - so until I feel better, I'm just folding laundry and surving. I hope to be able to post later in the week. I've got some news I want to share (no! I'm not pregnant) and want to get your thoughts on it. Until then - *cough, cough* have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. So what happened? I'm a compulsive crafter also. I was looking up the word compulsive and decided that it's a positive, not negative compulsion. I'm thinking that once you got the blog up, you realized it took away too much of your parenting/crafting time to continue writing. I'm a wanna be blogger so I'm just interested in your back story.
